
Everything you need to know about wisdom teeth

From childhood to adulthood, teeth grow in stages. This leads to the question, “what is a wisdom tooth?”. They are usually referred to as third molars, and they appear at the back of the mouth. Some people don’t experience a single issue with wisdom teeth, but in others they can cause severe pain, infection and discomfort.

Where do wisdom teeth come in?

Most people usually develop four wisdom teeth, each emerging behind the second molars on both sides of the upper and lower jaw. They usually appear during the ages of 17 to 21. Wisdom teeth emerge differently depending on the person. In some cases, they will only completely erupt, or even stay under the gum tissue. Teeth that don’t appear and remain covered by tissue or bone are called “impacted”.

If your wisdom teeth become impacted, they can develop cysts around them which can lead to tooth and tissue damage. In rare cases, tumors can form around these cysts which can lead to complications with extraction. The longer you hold off on seeking wisdom tooth pain relief, your chances of requiring a more invasive procedure become higher or the problematic teeth will permanently damage surrounding tissues.

Tell me more!

Wisdom teeth begin growing around the jaw at around age seven, not just before birth like other teeth. Wisdom teeth have been useful in the past for replacing molars that had become worn out. Nowadays, our diets are softer than previous times and we don’t need replacement teeth. Wisdom teeth can result in overcrowding, bone and nerve damage and infections. 

Wisdom Teeth Symptoms

Pain at the back of the mouth, behind the molars. This pain will gradually increase with time as the wisdom teeth continue to grow in misaligned or sideways, if the wisdom tooth isn’t addressed in a timely manner, it can start affecting and eating away the tooth in front of it!

Other wisdom teeth symptoms include pain, redness, tenderness and/or swelling around the area.  As wisdom teeth begin to erupt through the surface of the gums, the small crevices will allow bacteria to enter through open tissue, which can result in infection. If not addressed, oral infections can potentially affect your overall health and wellbeing.

What happens next?

The most common treatment for Wisdom Teeth is extraction which can be done at Redbank Plains Dental Clinic. We offer various options for pain management, ranging from local anesthesia, inhalation sedation, or even undergoing general anesthesia at the local hospital. All of these we can discuss with you at your consultation appointment. If your wisdom teeth have already erupted through the surface of the gums, they can be removed easily. If you would like to learn more about Wisdom Tooth removal, don’t hesitate to contact us. Wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure and is likely the best solution to relieve your wisdom teeth symptoms.

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